
You can read more about my current and past projects, browse my Github profile, and see my CV. I also write about working smarter at hackmake.com.

Product Director

I work at a research technology company called Feedback Loop, helping to grow their agile research platform. I’m working closely between engineering, data science, and customer support to build new ways to get feedback quickly for customers so they can improve their products and services.

To me, Web technology is most importantly an infrastructure to connect people, ideas, and information. I taught myself to code and manage servers and then created tools and products for reading and publishing on the open web.

Read more about my product work.


Constantly curious, writing is a good way for me to sort through the problems bouncing around in my head. Writing connects me to humanity in a way that I don’t feel from technology.

In 2012, I wrote a book of essays on simplicity and design, tools, writing, and mindfulness.

Since then, I’ve mostly moved away from writing about technology and tools and am working to find more humanity in my topic and voice. You can check out what books I’ve been reading recently.

Around-the-world traveler

The day after my wife and I got married, we left for a three month, round-the-world honeymoon. It was life changing, to say the least. While on our travels, I try my best to listen and watch to learn more about the world and about my worldly neighbors.

Contact and Subscribe

The best way to contact me is to email nick@nickwynja.com.

Subscribe to my site’s feed or to my mailing list for updates.

I also publish a journal-like log that you can subscribe to in your feed reader. I don’t publish these pages as HTML anywhere else, so subscribe to follow along.

The contents of this site is licensed as Creative Commons BY-NC-SA unless otherwise stated. An archive of previous versions of this site can be found at archive.nickwynja.com.